can we link this to a Facebook post - great info!!

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Thank you. Yes, please do!

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Hi Anne-Marie. Thank you for these informative posts, I think you are doing such important education. Even as a fairly committed recycler, composter, resuer, there is always something new to learn. Can't wait to se your new book! I live in CT, South africa and wanted to order form the Book Depository, but the pull down menu does not include South Africa as a delivery destination. Yet their lists say SA is included. perhaps something to take up with them?

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Thank you Marijke. I will mention that to my publisher. Someone in India had a similar problem. Thank you for trying to preorder it. I really appreciate it!

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#6 When selecting producers from the farmers market, I choose the uglies. It not only prevents waste, but keeps their costs down. I also have subscribed to Misfits Market, but the padding and ice packs seem wasteful to me. https://www.misfitsmarket.com

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I get such good deals on ugly apples and avocados! That's too bad about the padding and ice packs. I don't suppose they take their boxes back. If they did, you could put those in there. I know some of these delivery services won't (or can't) take back the packaging. Others do.

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