If not too forward, I propose two more tips:

1. Have fewer children. The effect may not be immediate, but our population is beyond sustainable.

2. Lead others, learning leadership skills if necessary, to live more sustainably too.

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as a way to say thank you to the good lord for so many wonderful resources, i've been saving water for almost 60 years now - something that is ok to do even when you live in a water abundant area like a river valley! Thank you for echoing so many 1960's conservation trends! - it is good to hear they didn't fall on deaf ears!

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There are many simple things to do to use led water. I water my garden with sprinklers which only water the garden area. I water early in the morning as well.

Hand watering really uses water wisely

Only put water at base of plants

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Good Morning, thank you for a very interesting and frightening article, I live in British Columbia, Canada we also grow alot of produce that is shipped elsewhere and we have a lot of Mexican plus California produce in our stores, I also don’t understand this when we have our own.

I have also never been a fan of bottled water when it is available from our taps and I agree that Nestle should be shut down, watch Rotten on Netflix, what an awful company.

Stay safe everyone our thoughts go out to you. This could happen in any community.

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Something you may or may not be aware of, please watch this new documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf78rEAJvhY

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I shower only once a week (🤣) and use a gant de toilette (washcloth) on other mornings.

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I'm so glad to hear you say it. It is spring (strawberry season here) and our stores are full of California strawberries. So wasteful.

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Excellent article. I hope lots and lots of people read it and act on your suggestions.

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