I have read other information that supports this article. And, did you know, a good portion of all plastic bottles are not recyclable. The plastic bottles that can be recycled, can only be recycled once, i.e., the material made from recycled bottles cannot be recycled. Go figure?! My guess is, someone is making some money somewhere, and that's because tax dollars subsidize the process.

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A bag or other material saying "recyclable" is like a "nutrition" label. They mean the opposite to fool you into believing the product with the label is nutritious (most aren't) or that the material is part of a solution (almost never). Reducing consumption and demand work better than recycling.

Plus, those recycling looking triangle-arrow symbols denoting plastic types don't mean they're recyclable. The symbol is designed to resemble the recycling symbol despite going on things that mostly aren't recyclable. Sadly, they lead people to say, "I don't know what the numbers mean, but it has the recycling symbol so I'll buy it and later put it in the recycling and let them figure it out."

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