I couldn't agree with you more about what you wrote, especially the part about repairing instead of replacing. I remember the days when even umbrellas could be repaired somewhere. My family didn't have a lot of money when I was growing up. But we did have a huge vegetable garden and canned or froze just about everything we ate. My mother made her and my clothes, sometimes cutting down her old clothing and making it in my size. My dad fixed all the secondhand furniture my mom and I brought home, and mom did any reupholstering needed. She made her own bread every week. In warm enough weather, we hung all our laundry on the clothesline outside, or on racks inside when it was cold out. We humanely butchered and "put up" chickens we bought from the farmer down the road.

I learned all those skills. It's time again to get back to the basics and put those skills to work. Thanks for the excellent reminder.

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Thank you for writing about these topics and about ideas to get people informed and involved in the changes that we all need to make to save our planet. It is unacceptable that we continue to elect politicians who accept money from industries that cause all these issues and that don’t take action in changing. I don’t understand why people are so greedy if you don’t take anything when you die. Love your book and your posts!

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This is absolutely gorgeous and so educative, thank you as always Anne, I will share it of course, greetings from Mexico City :)

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I want to live in this world you're suggesting so very much 🙏. You raised solutions that we talk about as a family regularly. I would love to see your suggestions spread worldwide and take off like a juggernaut so that we can find see some positivity 💖. Spread the word!!

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Plenty of well thought through ideas of how people can change the way they go about business and in their daily lives. I am also a big fan of encouraging schools to provide hands on classes in practical skills such as gardening, diet, carpentry and so on as there is such satisfaction in making things and understanding how they work and their connection to the bigger picture.

Thank you, Anne-Marie for being an articulate pioneer for a more sustainable future and your generosity in sharing your ideas. Very inspiring!

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Very well said. Unfortunately the brainwashed public wants to blame everything on a political party and not blame themselves for their wastefulness and materialism. Maybe these shortages will begin to open some eyes.

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This is awesome

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