I just started a site here in my county Caldwell Idaho with www.foodrescue.us

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In Utah, the Green Urban Lunchbox runs FruitShare, and WasteLess Solutions runs GardenShate. They both center on backyard production of food, volunteer work, and sharing with the community, particularly the elderly.

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Did you know that Grow Food not Lawns is the title of a book by Heather Jo Flores? She organises online Permaculture courses.

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My neighbors moved to the east coast. It was sad to see them dump all the contents of their refrigerator and pantry. I felt helpless. Later when I relayed the story someone suggested that I should have contacted Catholic Charities. I put it on FB but no one replied. It all happened at the last minute. I did retrieve their laundry/dishwashing stuff.

The few days before they moved they ate out.

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